Book a meeting at Dmexco 2016!
Stop by our booth during Dmexco to meet our mobile experts and discover the new FUSIO platform! How to identify fraud and eliminate unreliable measurements from mobile advertising campaigns? Visit S4M during Dmexco and discover the new version of FUSIO by S4M, a tracking and analytics platform for advertisers to monitor, understand, and optimise their mobile advertising campaigns. Finding S4M at Dmexco… Our booth is in Hall 7, booth E061-F068, across from the Agency Lounge. Bonus! If your phone is running low on battery, stop by to take advantage of our charging stations while discovering our product features. Still not convinced? Come by and drop off a business card for a chance to take home a Parrot drone! …
S4M at DMEXCO 2016
Join S4M at DMEXCO 2016 in Cologne and meet our team to discuss and learn about the latest mobile advertising trends. Don’t miss our events at Dmexco this year and mark down these sessions in your agenda! We would like to meet you during the conference, stop by our booth in Hall 7, booth E061-F068. To book up a meeting or demo sign up here! Identifying fraud in mobile campaigns Wednesday September 14th, 2016, 1:45pm-2:15pm Speaker: Christophe Collet, S4M CEO Location: Hall 7, booth E061-F068 The mobile advertising industry today is facing increasing fraud concerns such as viewability and non-human traffic. In a study by S4M earlier this year, we …
What’s missing in the mobile engagement puzzle?
It is no secret by now that mobile programmatic is indispensable in the advertiser’s media plan today. When accomplished correctly, brands can reach their intended customer in the most receptive moment to convert an intention into a transaction. Despite the increasing prominence of mobile programmatic, some brands are still on the fence and not yet buying into the promise; especially as the industry continues to be haunted by ad fraud issues. The keys to resolving this continuous dilemma are advertiser confidence and user acceptance, so the industry can finally deliver what it has set out to do and more. To …
Why context is now as important as creativity in advertising
When we talk about creativity in advertising, we’re usually referring to the actual ad creative itself — the genius ideas that become the genesis of sticky and memorable advertisements, like the 1985 Levi’s launderette ad or the Cadbury gorilla. Enter the digital world; times have changed. Television and print aren’t the only mediums by which advertisers can reach mass consumer audiences anymore. As mobile devices become more ubiquitous, mobile screens are where the majority of consumers’ eyeballs are. While artistry and storylines are important in engaging audiences, equally, the context in which those ads are delivered is today equally as …
5 Tips to Get the Most Out of DCO on Mobile
Advertisers are no stranger to the necessity of delivering receptive personalized messaging on mobile. Today, this is possible through leveraging unique user behavioral and location data from mobile devices and the widely adopted use of dynamic creative optimization (DCO) technology. Here are 5 tips to leverage DCO in mobile campaigns to engage with mobile users and exceed campaign objectives: 1. Personalized advertising – remember the human connection Increasingly sophisticated algorithms have helped to facilitate a lot of the campaign processes today, but don’t forget that at the end of the day, you need a person behind the personalized advertising! The …
IPSOS et S4M lancent une solution exclusive de mesure de l’efficacité des campagnes mobiles
Paris, le 14 mars 2016. IPSOS, leader des études en France, s’allie à S4M, spécialiste du marketing mobile, pour lancer le premier post-test permettant de mesurer l’impact des campagnes publicitaires mobiles sur l’image de marque. La mesure de l’efficacité des investissements publicitaires mobiles sur la notoriété de l’annonceur devient enfin possible et concrète. Ipsos et S4M permettent désormais aux marques de mesurer l’efficacité de leurs campagnes sur mobile grâce à la méthodologie éprouvée du post-test publicitaire. Le mobile est profondément ancré dans les usages et de plus en plus plébiscité dans les plans medias des annonceurs. Pourtant l’efficacité du …
Meet the team Monday, Feb 23th 2016 – NodeJS Paris Meetup Event
Meet the team at the NodeJS Paris Meetup Event Monday, Feb 23th 2016. 19h. Le Reset 86 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, Paris
Loyalty beyond love: How mobile programmatic will aspire brand love
Consumers are bombarded by millions of different messages everyday in this new digital era, where home, work, and relationships are blurred distinctions. To manage their daily lives, the consumer has firmly taken control by becoming the decision makers for what they see, read, download, and more importantly what they want to block. In the fast-paced mobile world, brands can’t afford to miss customer preferences, otherwise they will be quickly alienated by their target customers. As a result, brand marketers need to change the way they communicate with these new digital-savvy consumers by correctly employing mobile programmatic to accelerate a brand’s …
S4M lauréat du prix Révélation In Extenso Technology Fast 50
Paris, le 26 Novembre 2015. S4M (Success For Mobile), la plateforme technologique de publicité sur mobile, vient d’être élue Révélation de l’année In Extenso dans le cadre du prix Deloitte Technology Fast 50. Ce prix met en lumière la remarquable croissance de chiffre d’affaires de S4M, soit 12 millions de dollars pour la seule année 2015 et +510 % de CA depuis sa création en 2012. Le prix Technology Fast 50 a pour objectif de promouvoir et encourager le développement des entreprises innovantes dans le secteur des hautes technologies. Créé en 1995 dans la Silicon Valley, il a ensuite été …