
New Format Release – The Travelling

Introducing a brand new mobile ad format by S4M – The Travelling.

This format will help brands reimagine the mobile user experience and offers another exciting way to engage with consumers on their smartphones. Users can literally ‘travel’ or scroll within a dynamic video format for a truly hands-on experience. With this discovery-based tactile format, brands can be sure to leave a lasting impression with smartphone savvy consumers! Brands can now immerse their consumers into their mobile ads and reinforce their branding campaigns.

travelling_formatThe Travelling is a responsive format that is fully compatible with different operating systems. Brands can integrate this brand new format in various mobile campaign scenarios, as an interstitial or as a landing page from a MPU format.

We are committed to provide advertisers with detailed engagement insights into their campaign as well as with different ad formats. Advertisers will have insights into video completion rates, the CTR, and CVR, with The Travelling to keep transforming their branded mobile experiences.