
New Format Release – The Trailer

Introducing a breakthrough mobile video format from S4M’s studio – The Trailer

The Trailer is a two part extended video format that lets mobile users consume video content with the latest interactive effects. trailer_format_imageIt is always a challenge for brands to showcase a video experience in just a few seconds in a standard video format. With S4M’s new Trailer video format, brands can now deliver an extended mobile video experience – that begins in the ad and continues until post-click on the landing page.

In this 2-step video experience, brands can capture user attention in-ad by leveraging video effects such as loop, slow motion, classic, speed up, and boomerang. The video can be an MPU or an interstitial ad. After engagement with the ad, marketers can immerse consumers in a branded universe with a landing page designed as a portrait video, The Travelling, 180° full screen video with a product sticker or a video format combined with a product panel.

Brands can pick and choose different types of video effects to be integrated into the format depending on their target consumers. Every action throughout this format whether in-ad or post-click are tracked in our FUSIO platform so marketers can have the latest campaign insights to improve performances.